Group10 - Descendants of Leslie Loren Carpenter
of Decatur, Van Buren, Michigan

Group10 - Descendants of Leslie Loren Carpenter of Decatur, Van Buren, Michigan are part of the of the Carpenter Cousins Y-DNA Project. It is represented by the descendants of a child due to an "estrangement" due to family folklore. This child carried the biological Y-DNA of a George Shoemaker.

This is what we call a NPE or Non-Paternity Event. Often it can be a formal or informal adoption into a lineage. It is often found through DNA testing followed by dedicated research.

The farther back in time, the harder a NPE is to document. Historically we often see NPE type events when a young widow with a young male child remarried. The child bonds with his step-father and assumes his surname. The child does not carry the step-father's Y-DNA, but he is still part of the family.

For more on NPEs, please see:The ISOGG wiki article "Non-Paternity Event."

In the case of Group 10 - research revealed a little more than an estrangment. The Carpenter husband was presumed deceased and the widow married the widower next door. When the Carpenter husband returned he was legally raised from the dead, and the widow no longer a widow had her second marriage automaticaly anulled. The catch was that she was pregnant. Because she was a married woman the child was seen as the responsibility of the husband. And that child was raised as one of their own.

This means that Group 10 is legally and lawfully entitled to a dual genalogical ancestry. One being the George Shoemaker ancestry (not [provided) and the the other being Carpenter ancestry that descends from William Carpenter of Providence, Rhode Island who came to America in 1635. The Carpenter lineage is defined as Group 2. You can see the Group 2 descendant report at: The Group 2 - Descendants of Richard Carpenter RIN 669 - The Providence (Pawtuxet section, now in Cranston), Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, now part of Providence County, RI Carpenter line.

This report is generated by the Carpenter Cousins Project in conjunction with the Carpenter Y-DNA Project. Both are part of the Guild of One Names study for Carpenters.

The number after the surname in this report is a record information number (RIN) from the Carpenter Cousins Project master genealogical database. See: The Carpenter Cousins Project

These Carpenter lineages are based on those who have been Y-DNA tested and genetic genealogy triangulated. They are part of Group 10 of the Carpenter Cousins Y-DNA Project which is genetically distinct and different from other known genetic profiles in the Project.

See much more at the Carpenter Cousins web page at: aka The Carpenter Cousins Project The Carpenter Cousins Project is part of the Guild of One Name Studies

Do you want to help, update or add your line? Use the email link below to contact me. GEDCOM is ideal!

PLEASE NOTE: This is a working research file and contains emails, notes and comments by researchers on this line.
This file also contains both internal sources within the notes and external sources cited by numbers with links. Check both!

This file does and will contain mistakes. Verification is always needed of any data.
Generally speaking, the better the documentation, the better the data is.

Names have been retained for those living, but other details have been removed for privacy.

Prepared by: John R. Carpenter of La Mesa, CA USA

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This work Copyrighted (C) July 2023 by the Carpenter Cousins Propect.
You may print and use this work for personal genealogical efforts,
but you may not sell this or any other Carpenter Cousins works for profit.

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This web site produced 7 July 2023 by Ancestral Quest, a product of Incline Software, LC.