Group 15 - Descendants of Oliver Carpenter-177281
of, Horningsham, Wiltshire, England
in England & in North America
Group 15 - Descendants of Oliver Carpenter-177281 of Horningsham, Wiltshire, England Carpenters in England & America are part of the Carpenter Cousins Y-DNA Project.
Descendants are determined genealogically and by genetic Y-DNA testing.
Several descent lines have a "DETACHED GENEALOGICALLY" tag which indicates that those descendants are genetically related but not genealogically connected. Other lines have a reasonable belief even though not proven. Please read the notes.
This line is of English origin and some descendants emigrated to North America. One line even went to Australia genetically.
The number after the surname is a record information number (RIN) from the Carpenter Cousins Project master genealogical database. See: The Carpenter Cousins Project
These Descendant lineages include those who have been Y-DNA tested and are part of Group 15 of the Carpenter Cousins Y-DNA Project.
These Group 15 descendants are in two catagories.
1) Those both genetically and genealogically connected. This includes those who are reasonably believed to be related but are not proved. Read their NOTES.
2) Those that match genetically but are NOT connected genealogically. There is a descendant listed as "DETACHED GENEALOGICALLY." This is a technique to provide their lineages in anto recognize them for thier genetic connectiveness.
Group 15 is genetically distinct from other Carpenter/Zimmerman groups within the Carpenter Cousins Y-DNA Project.
See much more at the Carpenter Cousins web page at: - The Carpenter Cousins Project is part of the Guild of One Name Studies.
This file does and will contain mistakes. Verification is always needed of any data.
Generally speaking, the better the documentation, the better the data is. READ THE NOTES!
NOTE: Names have been retained for those living, but other details have been removed for privacy.
Do you want to help, update or add your line? Use the email link below to contact me. GEDCOM is ideal!
PLEASE NOTE: This is a working research file and contains emails, notes and comments by researchers on this line. Their contributions are cited in the notes.
Table of Contents
Prepared by: John R. Carpenter
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This work Copyrighted (C) 2021 by the Carpenter Cousins Propect.
You may print and use this work for personal genealogical efforts,
but you may not sell this or any other Carpenter Cousins works for profit.
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