Descendants of William Carpenters of the Bevis (1638) Carpenter Cousins Encyclopedia of Carpenters - 2023 Update


179. Jedediah Carpenter

Notes below by Eugene Cole Zubrinsky
Ojai, California, 2008

Amos Carpenter presents correct birth data for Benjamin and Hannah's son Jedediah (Northampton, 1 Oct. 1697) but otherwise confuses him with another Jedediah Carpenter, a blacksmith, born at Rehoboth 15 Dec. 1696 and died there 15 Dec. 1731, son of Samuel4 and Patience (Ide) Carpenter; the latter married 24 May 1725 Mercy Brown of Barrington, Mass. (now in R.I.) (Carpenter [1898] 65, 96-97; CVR 19; BrCoPR 7:313-14; RVR 1:48, 56, 2:144, 241; RI Cems 69; see also Samuel3 sketch, CHILDREN, no. i). Benjamin and Hannah's son Jedediah, of Coventry and Stafford, Conn., died at the latter place on 2 March 1781; the otherwise unidentified "widow Carpenter" died there on 9 Jan. 1784, aged 84 (StVR [Barbour] 2:177; StChR 69). They had seven known children, 2-7 baptized at Bolton (adjacent to Coventry): 1. Daniel, b. Coventry or Bolton by 1725; 2. Joel, bp. 10 Dec. 1727; 3. Ruth, bp. 4 Jan. 1730; 4. Nathan, bp. 2 April 1732; 5. Samuel, bp. 28 July 1734; 6. Dorcas, bp. 22 Feb. 1736; 7. Ezekiel, bp. 25 June 1738 (CLR 4:470; NEHGR 52:180-85).

(end note extract) - See father's notes.

More from Gene Zubrinsky on this person and the confusion with another Jedediah;
Two Jedediah Carpenters: One of Coventry, Conn., the Other of Rehoboth, Mass.
Posted by: Gene Zubrinsky (ID *****9842) Date: April 15, 2005 at 15:53:20

I recently found in Amos B. Carpenter (hereafter ABC), _A Genealogical History of the Rehoboth Branch of the Carpenter Family in America_ (1898), another cluster of errors that have been uncritically accepted and repeated by virtually everyone who has posted anything online about the family in question.
The Jedediah Carpenter who married Mercy/Marcy/Mary Brown (of Barrington, Mass. [now R.I.]); had children Amy, Rebecca, Caleb, and Patience; and died at Rehoboth in 1731 is a different man. Jedediah Carpenter of Rehoboth never lived anywhere else: he was born there on 15 December 1696, the son of Samuel and Patience (Ide) Carpenter (see Rehoboth Vital Records, 1:48, 56, 2:65, 144, 241). ABC lists him among Samuel and Patience Carpenter's children but gives no information about him except his birth date (see _Rehoboth Carpenter Family_, 78).
The data and sources cited above are sufficient to validate the distinction between Benjamin and Hannah (Strong) Carpenter's son Jedediah, on the one hand, and Samuel and Patience (Ide) Carpenter's son Jedediah, on the other. They do not, however, represent thorough research of land, probate, church, cemetery, and other records of Coventry and vicinity or Stafford. Such research (which I do not plan to undertake) will undoubtedly add precision and breadth to the former Jedediah's biography and perhaps identify his wife and provide direct, documentary evidence of more children (including Daniel) than the six baptized at Bolton.

That the Jedediah Carpenter born at Northampton and the one (Jedediah) who died at Rehoboth were the same man was unlikely on its face: What are the odds that a young man born in western Massachusetts, who had moved with his family to central Connecticut, would migrate northeastward, back to the town of his father's birth--the son had no direct connection to Rehoboth and no inheritance there--when population pressures, soil depletion, and primogeniture were pushing people westward? But even if the online repeaters of ABC's inaccuracies failed to see that this scenario deserved further investigation, one would have thought that at least a few might observe standard principles of genealogical research and, as a matter of course, check secondary-source data (particularly that from a nineteenth-century genealogy such as ABC's) against primary sources; lamentably, none did. If anyone had bothered, he or she would have found the whole thing to be a "no-brainer." How many times does the lesson have to be repeated before it is learned? There are no shortcuts to reliable genealogical data!

Gene Z.

Certain of the corrections above have since been confirmed by Ann S. Lainhart and Neil D. Thompson in their "Mercy Brown's Husband Jedediah Carpenter," _The Mayflower Quarterly_ 73 (2007):289-91. And as recently discovered, the remaining corrections had been published previously by Kendall P. Hayward in his "Jedidiah [sic] Carpenter of Coventry, Conn.," _The American Genealogist_ 53 (1977):116-18. See them for additional information.

The same confusion leading Amos Carpenter to attribute the marriage and death data of Jedediah Carpenter of Rehoboth to the Coventry and Stafford man of that name (see above) also causes him to ascribe to the latter the occupation of the former (see _Rehoboth Carpenter Family_, 65). Jedediah Carpenter of Rehoboth was a blacksmith (Bristol Co. Probate, 7:313-14); there is no evidence that Jedediah Carpenter of Coventry and Stafford was anything other than a yeoman farmer.

Old notes follow.

BOOK- GENEALOGY: Amos B. Carpenter, A GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF THE REHOBOTH BRANCH OF THE CARPENTER FAMILY IN AMERICA.  Also known as the CARPENTER MEMORIAL. Published 1898 By: Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, Amherst, MA. Jedediah is listed as number 122 on page 65.  His family (#65) is listed on pages 96 and 97.  A blacksmith.
Compare to:
BOOK- GENEALOGY: Amos B. Carpenter, A GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF THE REHOBOTH BRANCH OF THE CARPENTER FAMILY IN AMERICA.  Also known as the CARPENTER MEMORIAL. Published 1898 By: Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, Amherst, MA.
Number 241 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 78. No family listed.  He is believed to have died young.


NAME:  Unknown - "Widow" used as a place marker for death date until further info comes forward.
This from the husband's notes ...
It was probably about this time that Jedediah moved to Stafford, Conn., where he died on 2 March 1781 (Barbour Collection, citing Stafford VR, 2:177); the otherwise unidentified "widow Carpenter" died there on 9 January 1784, aged 84 (Stafford Church Records, 69).

712. Ezekiel Carpenter

DEATH:  image - same person?
Name:   Ezekiel Carpenter
Residence Date: 11 Jan 1806  <--- death date
Residence Place: Woodstock, Connecticut, USA
Volume Title: Volume 133 Woodstock
Source Information Connecticut, Church Record Abstracts, 1630-1920 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: 2013.
Original data: Connecticut. Church Records Index. Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Connecticut.
This is from the North Woodstock Congregational Church (3 volumes), Woodstock Third Society, organized in 1760, covering the period of 1727-1900.  Page 28
Ezekiel,d.Jan.11,1806             Vol. 1   Page 146

182. Eliphalet Carpenter

MEMORIAL. Published 1898 By: Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, Amherst, MA
Number 125 on page 65.  His family (#66) is listed on page 97.

His father soon after his birth in 1703, removed to Coventry, CT.
Eliphalet's residence was Coventry, CT. where he died on 22 Feb 1792.
His will was dated 1 Dec 1775 and probated 3 April 1792.  He was called by the
commisioners, Captain Eliphalet Carpenter, which title justly belonged to him
as he held a captain's commission under the King.
His name is on the muster roll of a large MA Company under the command of
Capt. Thomas Cheney in Gen. Dwight's Regiment, which was raised in 1746 for the
expedition to Canada and dismissed from service 31 Oct 1747.
Eliphalet was called a very old man at his death.  He married twice, his second
wife surviving him and he mentions in his will his children and grandchildren.
He speaks in his will of his granddaughter Anne, daughter of Eliphalet and
gives her a gold necklace that belonged to his former wife.
He renewed his baptismal faith at West Hartford, CT on 17 March 1728.  His
daughter, Hannah was baptized at West Harford, CT on 27 March 1728.
The inscription on his tombstone in an old burying ground in Coventry, CT,
reads as follows: "This monument is sacred to the memory of Captain Eliphat
Carpenter who died February 22nd, 1792, after 10 weeks illness, with great
composure of mind, in full hope of a glorious resurrection and in the 89th year
of his age.  /An honest man, rare to be found/ Lies buried here beneath this
ground:/ Whose soul we trust is now above/ Where all is joy, where all is
love./"      On the same stone is inscribed the following: "Here lies interred
the body of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Captain Eliphalet Carpenter, who departed
this life May 6th, A.D., 1773, in the sixty-eighth year of her age: the first
one buried in this ground."

Many of his children died of "Black throat distemper" which is the highly contagious diptheria.  Every child in the USA is now required to have the diptheria vaccine.  Spelling is correct for either diptheria or diphtheria.

GRAVE:  image
Capt Eliphalet Carpenter
Birth: Nov. 29, 1703
Death: Feb. 22, 1792
Family links:
 Benjamin Carpenter (1663 - 1738)
 Hannah Strong Carpenter (1671 - 1762)
 Elizabeth Andrus Carpenter (1706 - 1773)
 Eliphalet Carpenter (____ - 1820)*
 Benjamin Carpenter (____ - 1785)*
 Eliphalet Carpenter (1703 - 1792)
*Calculated relationship
Note: age 88 years
North Coventry Cemetery
Tolland County
Connecticut, USA

Created by: Judith
Record added: Aug 05, 2005
Find A Grave Memorial# 11483180

Elizabeth Andrews

GRAVE:  image
Elizabeth Andrus Carpenter
Birth: Feb. 17, 1706
Death: May 6, 1773
Family links:
 Eliphalet Carpenter (1703 - 1792)*
 Eliphalet Carpenter (____ - 1820)*
*Calculated relationship
North Coventry Cemetery
Tolland County
Connecticut, USA

Created by: Anonymous
Record added: May 18, 2004
Find A Grave Memorial# 8797124

713. Hannah Carpenter

Number 436 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97
Died of "Black throat distemper", a fearful scourge that carried death and
consternation to so many families in CT about June 1740.

714. Elizabeth Carpenter

Number 437 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97

Ephraim Root

He was a member of the General Court in the state of NY and lived in
Troy, NY.

715. Asahel Carpenter

Number 438 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97
Died of "Black throat distemper", a fearful scourge that carried death and
consternation to so many families in CT about June 1740.

716. Lois Carpenter

Number 439 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97
Died of "Black throat distemper", a fearful scourge that carried death and
consternation to so many families in CT about June 1740.

717. Abigail Carpenter

Number 440 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97
Died of "Black throat distemper", a fearful scourge that carried death and
consternation to so many families in CT about June 1740.

718. Anna Carpenter

Number 441 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97
Died of "Black throat distemper", a fearful scourge that carried death and
consternation to so many families in CT about June 1740.

719. Hannah Carpenter

Number 442 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97

720. Submit Carpenter

Number 443 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97  Died age 95.

Submit was named undoubtedly from the great affliction which her parents had
just experienced.  Five of her sisters all died within a few days of each other
of the "black throat distemper" a fearful scourge that carried death and
consternation to so many families in CT in June of 1740.  In addition
the second child named Hannah died about three months prior to
Submit's birth.

Submit married Reuben Stiles in November 1764.  He was born 25 Mar 1737
and was the son of Ebenezer Stiles.  The next paragraph in the Carpenter
Memorial states he was married at Coventry, CT on 12 Dec 1769.

Reuben Stiles was in the Havana expedition in 1762 as a assistant commissary.
He served at the siege of Boston in 1775; at NY City in 1776; magazine
keeper in 1777 and 1779: was at Danbury, CT and White Plains, NY in 1776 and in
the service after 1779.  He was married at Coventry, CT on Dec 12, 1769,
removed to NJ in 1789 and taught school.  He died about 1836 and she
died Dec. 26, 1837; aged 95.

Reuben Stiles

Submit married Reuben Stiles in November 1764.  He was born 25 Mar 1737
and was the son of Ebenezer Stiles.  The next paragraph in the Carpenter
Memorial states he was married at Coventry, CT on 12 Dec 1769.

Reuben Stiles was in the Havana expedition in 1762 as a assistant commissary.
He served at the siege of Boston in 1775; at NY City in 1776; magazine
keeper in 1777 and 1779: was at Danbury, CT and White Plains, NY in 1776 and in
the service after 1779.  He was married at Coventry, CT on Dec 12, 1769,
removed to NJ in 1789 and taught school.  He died about 1836 and she
died Dec. 26, 1837; aged 95.

721. Lois Carpenter

Number 444 in the Carpenter Memorial.  Page 97
She married Isaiah Porter who died 14 April 1766 or as "Roberts" has it
4 April 1766.  He is probably correct.  He was a farmer.

183. Noah Carpenter

MEMORIAL. Published 1898 By: Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, Amherst, MA
Number 126 on page 66.  His family (#67) is listed on page 98.

Robinson Line Christopher Robinson from Sturton Le Steeple, England (1515) thur Charles Edward Robinson from Steuben and Erie Co., NY. (1950) Some Bio information
Carpenter, Noah
Birth : 4 DEC 1705 Coventry, Tolland, CT
Death : BEF. 1779 Coventry, Tolland, CT
Gender: Male
Marriage: 27 JUL 1758 in Windham, Windham, CT
Robinson, Rhoda
Birth : 1702 Norwich, CT
Death : 1779 Coventry, Tolland, CT
Gender: Female
Father: ROBINSON, Peter
Mother: Manter, Experience

Name Noah Carpenter
Birth Date 1750-1759
Birth Place Connecticut, USA
Volume 25
Page number 244
Reference Heads of Fams At the First U.s. Census. Ct. By U.s. Bureau of the Census. Washington, 1908. (227p.): 132-3 Record of Conn. Men in Mil. and Naval Service During the Rev. War, 1775-1783. By Henry P.johnston. Hartford. 1889. (17,779p.):7
Source Citation
Godfrey Memorial Library; Middletown, Connecticut; American Genealogical Biographical Index; Volume Number: 25
Source Information
Godfrey Memorial Library, comp.. American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 1999.
Original data: Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library.

PROBATE: 1795 image
Name Noah Carpenter
Gender Male
Residence Date Abt 1781
Residence Place Windham, Connecticut
Will Date 1 May 1781
Probate Date 1795  <---- Probate date 6 Jan 1795
Probate Place Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Inferred Death Year 1795
Inferred Death Place Connecticut, USA
Case Number 462
Item Description Probate Packets, Brown, O-Carver, Joh, 1787-1880
Others Listed (Name) Relationship
Noah Carpenter
Rhoda Carpenter  Wife
Benjamin Carpenter  Son <--- and administrator of father's estate
Jerad Carpenter  Son
Silanee Ormsby  Daughter
Bulah Rust  Daughter
Eunice Porter  Daughter
Noah Carpenter  Son
Table of Contents
7 images
Cover Page  1
Will Papers  2  - 7
Source Citation
Probate Files Collection, Early to 1880; Author: Connecticut State Library (Hartford, Connecticut); Probate Place: Hartford, Connecticut
Source Information Connecticut, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
An attached image shows the date of 3 Nov 1794 that two women did see Noah Carpenter sign and seal his will in front of them.
This indicates Noah Carpenter's death was before 3 Nov 1794.

723. Abner Carpenter

Number 446 on page 98.  Probably a farmer.  No Family listed.

724. Silence Carpenter

Number 447 on page 98.  Married an ORMSBEE.

Elizabeth Curtis

A widow?

725. Bulah Carpenter

Number 448 on page 98.  Married a RUSS or ROSS.

727. Eunice Carpenter

Number 450 on page 98.  She married a Porter.

729. Ezra Carpenter

Number 452 on page 98.  No Family listed, probably died before age 20?

730. Keziah Carpenter

Number 454 on page 98.  No Family listed.  Birth "in January 175_"

732. Margaret Carpenter

Number 453 on page 98.  No Family listed

733. Elizabeth Carpenter

Number 456 on page 98.
No birth or other information given.  Possibly a twin who died early or a late
child who might have died young.  NFD

185. Ebenezer Carpenter

MEMORIAL. Published 1898 By: Press of Carpenter & Morehouse, Amherst, MA
Number 128 on page 66.  His family (#68) is listed on page 98.

BOOK:- GENEALOGY: Carpenter and Allied Families by Miss Annie L. Carpenter,
The American Historical Society, Inc., NY, published in 1936. Page 23

"He was the first white child born in Coventry".  He was a farmer and was a
constable and held other town offices.  He also traded conciderably in real
His will dated Jan. 16, 1777 names 11 children.  Both he and his wife died of
"spotted fever" and were buried in one grave.

Name: Ebenezer Carpenter
Probate Date: 16 Jan 1777
Probate Place: Windham, Connecticut, USA
Inferred Death Year: Abt 1777
Inferred Death Place: Connecticut, USA
Item Description: Probate Records, Vol 9-10, 1775-1782
Source Citation
Probate Records, 1719-1918; Author: Connecticut. Probate Court (Windham District); Probate Place: Windham, Connecticut
Source Information Connecticut, Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Connecticut County, District and Probate Courts.

Name: Ebenezer Carpenter
Birth Date: abt 1710
Age at Death: 67
Death Date: 30 Jan 1777
Death Place: Connecticut
Gender: Male
FHL Film Number: 3101
Source Information Connecticut, Deaths and Burials Index, 1650-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data:
"Connecticut Deaths and Burials, 1772–1934." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2010. Index entries derived from digital copies of original and compiled records.
Name: Ebenezer Carpenter
Death Date: 30 Jan 1777
Death Place: Coventry, Tolland, Connecticut
Gender: Male
FHL Film Number: 599303
Source Information Connecticut, Deaths and Burials Index, 1650-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data:
"Connecticut Deaths and Burials, 1772–1934." Index. FamilySearch, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2009, 2010. Index entries derived from digital copies of original and compiled records.

Name: Ebenezer Carpenter
Birth Date: 9 Nov 1709
Death Date: 30 Jan 1777
Age at Death: 67
Cemetery: Strong Cemetery
Burial Place: Connecticut
Source Information Connecticut, Hale Collection of Cemetery Inscriptions and Newspaper Notices, 1629-1934 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2012.
Original data: The Charles R. Hale Collection. Hale Collection of Connecticut Cemetery Inscriptions. Hartford, Connecticut: Connecticut State Library.

PROBATE:  image
Name Ebenezer Carpenter
Gender  [Male]
Residence Date Abt 1777
Residence Place Coventry, Windham, Connecticut
Probate Date 16 Jan 1777   <-------------- Per image - Will date is 16 Jan 1777 and probate date is 22 Feb 1777 when will accepted.
Probate Place Windham, Connecticut, USA
Inferred Death Year 1777
Inferred Death Place Connecticut, USA
Item Description Probate Records, Vol 9-10, 1775-1782
Others Listed (Name) Relationship
Ebenezer Carpenter   
Eunice Carpenter   Wife
William Carpenter   Son
Ebenezer Carpenter   Son
Asa Carpenter   Son
James Carpenter  Son
Wm Carpenter   Son
Josiah Carpenter   Son
Amos Carpenter   Son
Bridget Carpenter   Daughter
Betty Carpenter      Daughter
Catharine West       Daughter
Eunice Tilden        Daughter
Phebe Bentley       Daughter
Source Citation
Probate Records, 1719-1918; Author: Connecticut. Probate Court (Windham District); Probate Place: Windham, Connecticut
Source Information Connecticut, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1609-1999 [database on-line]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2015.
Original data: Connecticut County, District and Probate Courts.

GRAVE: images
Ebenezer Carpenter
Birth: Nov. 2, 1709
Death: Jan. 30, 1777
Note: son of Benjamin and Hannah
North Coventry Cemetery
Tolland County
Connecticut, USA

Created by: Judith
Record added: Aug 05, 2005
Find A Grave Memorial# 11483175

Name: Ebenezer Carpenter
Birth Date: 1709
Birthplace: Connecticut
Volume: 25
Page Number: 171
Reference: Gen. Column of the " Boston Transcript". 1906-1941.( The greatest single source of material for gen. Data for the N.E. area and for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed in the Index.): 13 Oct 1913, 3607
Source Information
Godfrey Memorial Library, comp.. American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.
Original data: Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library.

Eunice Thompson

GRAVE:  images
Eunice Carpenter
Birth: 1723
Death: Jan. 21, 1777
Note: wife of Lt. Ebenezer, age 54 years
North Coventry Cemetery
Tolland County
Connecticut, USA

Created by: Judith
Record added: Aug 05, 2005
Find A Grave Memorial# 11483185

739. Catharine Carpenter

Number 462 on page 99 in the Carpenter Memorial.
She married Solomon West at Coventry, CT.  He was a farmer.

741. Phebe Carpenter

Number 464 on page 99 in the Carpenter Memorial.
She married a Bentley.

744. Betsey Carpenter

Number 467 on page 99 in the Carpenter Memorial.
See sister Bridget's notes.

189. Edward Carpenter

Number 131 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 66.  Family on page 99 (#69).
There were 2 Edwards, one which died as a child the second marrying and having
2 children.

745. Mary Carpenter

Number 469 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 99.
There is another Mary Carpenter listed in the CM with the same birth date!
SEE: Number 135 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 66.
She is not listed in the AF, nor born in Rehoboth, which might mean she was
adopted.  No mention of this in the Carpenter Memorial.

746. John Carpenter

Number 468 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 99.
No family listed.

192. Comfort Carpenter

Number 134 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 66.
Family on page 99 (#70).

He graduated Harvard College, Cambridge in 1730.  He was Captain in the
Militia, and it is said that he was a lawyer and merchant.  Tradition says he
was "killed by the indiains at Charlestown, NH" but his gravestone is in

From a scrapbook that he used while in college is found a page headed,
"CUSTOMS" and describes the rules or customs freshman should follow.  See
page 66 in the Carpenter Memorial.
On the cover of his book is the name of Cyril Carpenter born 1736: the name was
written in Latin.  We also find on the same cover the Carpenter Coat of Arms.
"Argent, A Grey Hound, Passant A Chief Sable is borne by the name of
This appears over 30 years before it was ingraved on Daniel Carpenter's

Hannah or Huldah Bowen

The Carpenter Memorial has her name Huldah Bowen.  The AF has Hannah Bowen.

747. Chloe Carpenter

Number 470 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 99.
DEATH:2 or 5 Nov 1741.

748. Cynthia Carpenter

Number 471 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 99.
Married Mayo Reynolds.

751. Comfort Carpenter

Number 474 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.
He married a Smith and resided in Kennebeck.  No family listed.

Frederic W. Bailey, Early Connecticut Marriages as Found on Ancient Church
Records prior to 1800. New Haven, CT: 1896-1906.   See web page at:
Matthias Smith of Lebanon & Comfort Carpenter, Sept. 29, 1758.

195. Ezekiel Carpenter

Number 137 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 67.
Family on page 100 (#71).
He was a Captain in the Militia.

753. Mary Carpenter

Number 476 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.

754. Sarah Carpenter

Number 477 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.
She married John Blanding, a farmer in 1740.

John Blanding

A farmer.

755. Ezekiel Carpenter

Number 478 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.

756. Molly Carpenter

Number 479 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.

757. Bebe Carpenter

Number 480 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.
She married a Dr. Bezacel Mann.

History of Bristol County, Massachusetts : with biographical sketches of many of...
See page 549 in which she is cited as the wife of Dr. Mann and daughter of Ezekiel Carpenter.

758. 7 Carpenter

Number 481 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.
A child whose name is not known.

759. Ezekiel Carpenter

Number 482 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.

760. Rachel Carpenter

Number 483 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.

761. Preston Carpenter

Number 484 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.

196. Ezra Carpenter

Number 138 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 67.
Family on page 100 (#72).
He graduated at Harvard College in 1720: he was ordained at Hull, 24 Nov 1725,
installed at Keene, NH, Oct 1753 and dismissed in 1769: installed at Swansea,
Oct 1753 and dismissed in 1769.  He died at age 88 in Walpole, NH.
The provincial papers of New Hampshire state he was voted to be chaplin of the
troops raised by the State Goverment from 1749 to 1763.

By Terry M. Clark
Colonization and Settlement of Keene:
4 October
The Reverend Ezra Carpenter was chosen as the first minister of Keene. He also brought the first slave to Keene.

A History of the Town of Keene from 1732, when the Township was Granted by Massachusetts, to 1874, when it Became a City by S. G. Griffin, M. A. - With Events of Interest in the History of the City From 1874 to 1904.  By Frank H. Whitcomb, Published in 1904, Sentinel Printing Company, Keene, N.H.
Submitted by bjwahl on Thu, 11/19/2009 - 12:06pm

Biographical Sketches

Rev. Ezra Carpenter was born at Rehoboth, (Attleboro),
Mass., in 1698; graduated at Harvard in 1720;
married in 1823, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Thomas
Greenwood, of Rehoboth; preached at Hull, Mass., from
1723 to 1746; settled in Swanzey, N. H., in August, 1753,
and was ordained over the united churches of Keene and
Swanzey, Oct. 4, 1753. His salary was £100 per annum
-£50 from each town. That union continued for seven
years, and he remained pastor of the church in Swanzey
until 1769, when he was dismissed at his own request. 1
He was given his choice of the two places for residence,2
and he chose Swanzey. In 1757 he was appointed a chaplain
in the Crown Point expedition. He was a man of
easy, graceful manners, kind and gentle in disposition," a
pious and faithful shepherd and given to hospitality." He
died in Walpole, N. H., in 1785, and a square, slate stone
with an inscription marks his grave. Mrs. Carpenter died
in 1766, and her gravestone may be seen in the cemetery
at Swanzey. They had at least five children-possibly
more-one son, who died young, and four daughters, one
of whom married Dr. Taylor of Charlestown, N. H., and
was the grandmother of Rev. Nathaniel and Miss Elizabeth
Sprague of Keene.
SEE ALSO: General Index

Ezra ll0, 111, 112, 119, 129, 570, 571, 612, 645, 726

Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: Bishop Carpenter
Here is a history of The carpenter Homestead in Swanzey, NH.
The Carpenter Homestead in Swanzey, N.H.
The Carpenter Home begins in bat 1753 when Rev Ezra Carpenter comes to Keene at Swanzey, NH to preach from Hull, Mass. After preaching there for a number of years. He gets property in Swanzey on Signal Hill. He was a good farmer and community minded person. He resigned as a preacher due to advancing age in 1756. His wife dies one year later in Mar 1766. He is quite overwhelmed with grief. His son Greenwood moved to the homestead in 1756 with his children to assist with the farm
Ezra moved in with his daughter in Walpole, NH and her family where he later died in 1785. Ezra had willed his estate to his son in 1755 with 182 acres.
Greenwood manages the farm for years till his death in Feb 1809 His wife and son Elijah take over till Greenwood's wife dies in Feb 1826. Then it is willed to Elijah till he dies in Oct 1861. His wife Fanny passes away Mar 1875 .
The Property goes to their son George Carpenter and his wife Lucy Whitcomb Carpenter,after George passes away in December ,1915. Lucy Passes away in June 1928,they have no children. Lucy makes her will out in March of 1916, leaving various sums to caretakers and friends. The estate to be auctioned off except the homestead and surrounding property. The Homestead she wills to the town.
From Lucy's will “ All the rest of my estate real and personal I give bequeath to the Town of Swanzey for the following purpose. The homestead of my late husband George Carpenter and myself, shall be kept practically,as the same form as it was constructed,as the same left by my late husband or as same may be,at my decease.
It is to be used as as a home for the poor and unfortunate residents of the town.
All native persons of said town,who maybe reasons of old age,sickness ,or other misfortune,have been rendered incapable of caring for themselves,may find a home here.
All real estate outside the home at proper time be disposed of. The income will be invested and used to pay expense of the home.
At the time of of the appraisal shortly after her passing was $ 21,618.61 including cash on hand , savings and real estate of 190 acres. Lucy was very active in affairs of the town including the Grange, and the Mt Ceaser Library association. George had bought the old seminary building across the road and gave it to the Library association for the purpose of having a library. In 1830 the town accepted the home and started The Carpenter Home . Which is now a fifthteen bed assisted living home, and trustees were voted for the responsibility of the affairs of the home. The homestead has been in the Carpenter family for 175 years
Written and researched by John L. Carpenter ,Walpole,N . H.
The History of the Town of Swanzey from 1734 – 1890,
by Benjamin Reed,published by The Salem Press & Publishing Co. Salem Mass.
The Carpenter Memorial by Amos Bugbee Carpenter - Pub by Carpenter and Moorehouse – Jamacia, NY 1898.
Files and Photos of The Cheshire County Historic Society -Keene, NH
Files and Books at The Mt Ceaser Library ,Swanzey ,NH
Wills of Lucy and George Carpenter on File Cheshire County Probate Court – Keene, NH.
Deeds on file Cheshire County Registry of Deeds office, Keene, NH

GRAVE: images
Ezra Carpenter
Birth: 20 Mar 1698
Death: 26 Aug 1785 (aged 87) Walpole, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA
Burial: Mount Caesar Cemetery, Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA
Plot: Section 2, Lot 376
Memorial #: 170040000
Elizabeth (married Nov 1723, Rehoboth, MA)

Other Children:
~ Theodocia "Carpenter" Baxter (6 Jun 1730-14 Aug 1756)
~ Preston (17 Mar 1736, Hull, MA-5 Apr 1736, Hull, MA)
~ Content "Carpenter" Kilborn/Kilbourn (6 Sept 1740-22 Oct 1810 or 1813, Shrewsbury, VT; m. John)
~ Rachel "Carpenter" Taylor/Tabor (12 May 1743, Hull, MA-20 Sept or 30 Mar 1796; m. Dr. David)

(sources:  "The history of Swanzey, New Hampshire, from 1734 to 1890", by Benjamin Read, 1892, p. 307;  "A genealogical history of the Rehoboth branch of the Carpenter family in America. . ." by Amos B. Carpenter, 1898, pp. 101-102)

Family Members
Nathaniel Carpenter                 1667-1727
Mary Preston Carpenter                 1675-1706
Elizabeth Greenwood Carpenter                 1704-1766
Ezekiel Carpenter                 1696-1770
Elijah Carpenter                 1701-1727
Daniel Carpenter                 1703-1748
Rachel Carpenter Kent                 1705-1770
Half Siblings
Nathaniel Carpenter                 1694-1709
Elizabeth Carpenter Trott                 1724-1796
Elijah Carpenter                 1727-1755
Greenwood Carpenter                 1733-1809
Olive Carpenter                 1738-1755
Created by: Allison (47066078)
Added: 17 Sep 2016
Citation: Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 15 June 2021), memorial page for Ezra Carpenter (20 Mar 1698–26 Aug 1785), Find a Grave Memorial ID 170040000, citing Mount Caesar Cemetery, Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA ; Maintained by Allison (contributor 47066078) .

Elizabeth Greenwood

GRAVE: image
Elizabeth Greenwood Carpenter
Birth: 5 Apr 1704 Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 19 Mar 1766 (aged 61) Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA
Burial: Mount Caesar Cemetery, Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA
Plot: Section 2, Lot 376, Grave 2N
Memorial #: 170039674
Bio: Parents:
Rev. Thomas & Hannah Greenwood

ae 62y

(sources:  "Vital Records of Rehoboth, MA to the end of the year 1895, Births", p. 629)

Family Members
Ezra Carpenter                 1698-1785
Elizabeth Carpenter Trott                 1724-1796
Elijah Carpenter                 1727-1755
Greenwood Carpenter                 1733-1809
Olive Carpenter                 1738-1755
Created by: Allison (47066078)
Added: 17 Sep 2016
Citation: Find a Grave, database and images ( : accessed 15 June 2021), memorial page for Elizabeth Greenwood Carpenter (5 Apr 1704–19 Mar 1766), Find a Grave Memorial ID 170039674, citing Mount Caesar Cemetery, Swanzey, Cheshire County, New Hampshire, USA ; Maintained by Allison (contributor 47066078) .

762. Elizabeth Carpenter

Number 485 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 100.

763. Elijah Carpenter

Number 486 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 101.
He caught cold ans was made a cripple and was helpless until he died.

764. Theodosia Carpenter

Number 487 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 101.

766. Preston Carpenter

Number 489 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 101.

767. Olive Carpenter

Number 490 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 101.

768. Content Carpenter

Number 491 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 101.

Capt. John Kilbourn

The Carpenter Memorial indicates he was born in Middletown, VT but this is
wrong per a handwritten notation in the margins of an orginal book.
He moved to Walpole, NH in 1749 and his name appears on the church records at
Walpole.  He moved to Shrewsbury, VT where he died.

769. Rachel Carpenter

Number 492 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 101.

198. Daniel "Dan" Carpenter

Number 140 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 67.
Family on page 101 (#73).
A Clothier.  He was elected to the general court at Plymouth, MA in 1744 and
1748.  Division of his estate of Dan Carpenter mentions, widow Mary: son,
Comfort: second son, Ezekiel: third son, Oliver: Sarah, eldest daughter:
Mollie, youngest daughter.

GRAVE:  images
Daniel Carpenter
Birth: 9 Jun 1703 Rehoboth, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 2 May 1748 (aged 44) Attleboro, Bristol County, Massachusetts, USA
Burial: Newman Cemetery, East Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA
Memorial #: 21484724
. Mary Wiswall, Dec 5 1728

1) Comfort Carpenter [b. 12 JAN 1729]
+ sp.: Sarah Lawrence: m. 19 OCT 1750
2) Sarah Carpenter [1731-1736]
3) Ezekiel Carpenter Sr. [1734-1822]
+ sp: Elizabeth "Betty" Bucklin [1731-1816]
4) Sarah Carpenter [1737-1836]
+ sp: Ezekiel Bradford
5) Mary "Molly" Carpenter [b. 27 APR 1739]
+ sp.: Ebenezer Tiffany: m. 9 Feb 1758
6) Oliver Carpenter [1741-1843]
7) Oliver Carpenter [27 JAN 1744-27 DEC 1943]
+ sp.: Mary Randall
Family Members
Nathaniel Carpenter                 1667-1727
Mary Preston Carpenter                 1675-1706
Mary Wiswall Carpenter                 1702-1757
Ezekiel Carpenter                 1696-1770
Ezra Carpenter                 1698-1785
Elijah Carpenter                 1701-1727
Comfort Carpenter                 1729-1756
Sarah Carpenter                 1731-1735
Sarah Carpenter                 1731-1735
Ezekiel   Carpenter                 1734-1822
Mary "Molly" Carpenter Tiffany                 1738-1825
Oliver Carpenter                 1744-1830
Maintained by: Cathy Combs (47990514)
Originally Created by: Superkentman (46877580)
Added: 10 Sep 2007
Citation: Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 24 October 2019), memorial page for Daniel Carpenter (9 Jun 1703–2 May 1748), Find A Grave Memorial no. 21484724, citing Newman Cemetery, East Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA ; Maintained by Cathy Combs (contributor 47990514) .

Mary Wiswell

GRAVE:  image
Mary Wiswall Carpenter
Birth: 1 Oct 1702 Newton, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, USA
Death: 3 Mar 1757 (aged 54) Nasonville, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA
Burial: Newman Cemetery, East Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA
Memorial #: 21483781
. Dan Carpenter, Dec 5 1728

Mary and Daniel Carpenter had 6 children. Links below for some. Still searching for:

Comfort Carpenter, born Jan 12, 1729, died Sept 13, 1756
----Married to Sarah Lawrence Carpenter (dates unknown)

Sarah Carpenter, Born Sep 26, 1731, died Dec 28, 1736

Sarah Carpenter Bradford, born Feb 23, 1736, died 1836 in Coopers Town NY
Family Members
Thomas Wiswall                 1666-1709
Hannah Cheney Wiswall                 1673-1731
Daniel Carpenter                 1703-1748
Noah Wiswall                 1699-1786
Thomas Wiswall                 1707-1786
Comfort Carpenter                 1729-1756
Sarah Carpenter                 1731-1735
Ezekiel   Carpenter                 1734-1822
Mary "Molly" Carpenter Tiffany                 1738-1825
Oliver Carpenter                 1744-1830
Maintained by: Cathy Combs (47990514)
Originally Created by: Superkentman (46877580)
Added: 10 Sep 2007
Citation: Find A Grave, database and images ( : accessed 24 October 2019), memorial page for Mary Wiswall Carpenter (1 Oct 1702–3 Mar 1757), Find A Grave Memorial no. 21483781, citing Newman Cemetery, East Providence, Providence County, Rhode Island, USA ; Maintained by Cathy Combs (contributor 47990514) .

771. Sarah Carpenter

Number 494 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 101.

773. Sarah Carpenter

Number 496 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 102.

Ezekiel Bradford

AFN 4LBC-VD AND # GVLL-6M are the same person.  As is AFN
4LBC-VD (1728) and ID # GJGV-0L (B. 1731 IN PLYMOUTH).

774. Molly or Mary Carpenter

Number 497 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 102.

775. Oliver Carpenter

Number 498 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 102.

203. Daniel Charles Carpenter

Number 145 in the CARPENTER MEMORIAL on page 67.
Family on page 102 (#74). Marriage to Hannah Carpenter not listed - SEE BELOW.

AFN 99H5-K3 (8 Nov 1695) (Daniel Carpenter and JMX8-4J (Daniel Charles
Carpenter) apparently the same person.

SPOUSE: Hannah Carpenter, spouse for Daniel Charles Carpenter does not match
records.  AFN JMX8-5P.  There is a Grandmother named Hannah Carpenter,
however on Nathaniel Chaffee, Jr. side.  He is the spouse of Daniel's daughter,

WILL: His will was dated 25 Feb 1760 and proved 1 Mar 1763.  Will on page 68.

Engraved on his tombstone is the (Greyhound) CARPENTER COAT OF ARMS.
"Here lies the body of Daniel Carpenter, Esq. who departed this life on the
26th day of January, "Anno Dom" 1763, in the sixty-eighth year of his age."
He held almost all the important offices of the town and was a prominent man.
He was Captain and Colonel in the militia. A Farmer.
Greyhound coat of Arms on tombstone.
Very extensive information in the book on pages 67 to 70 inclusive.

GRAVE: See Images:
RIN 6679 Daniel C Carpenter grave1.jpg
"My flesh shall slumber in the ground, Till the last trumpets joyfull sound. Then shall awake with sweet surprize, And in my Saviour's Image rise."
RIN 6679 Daniel C Carpenter grave2.jpg
RIN 6679 Daniel C Carpenter grave3.jpg
RIN 6679 Daniel C Carpenter grave4.jpg
Greyhound Coat of Arms
Birth:  Oct. 6, 1735
Birth:  Nov. 8, 1695
Bristol County
Massachusetts, USA
Death:  Jan. 26, 1763
Bristol County
Massachusetts, USA
Family links:
 Asahel Carpenter (1731 - 1809)*
 Susanna Carpenter Chaffee (1735 - 1813)*
 Daniel Carpenter (1738 - 1823)*
 Susanna Lyon Carpenter (1699 - 1790)
Note: Possibly the son of Daniel Carpenter who was born in Rehoboth, MA 1669
Newman Cemetery
East Providence
Providence County
Rhode Island, USA

Susanna Lyon

See Images:
RIN 6682 Susanna Lyon grave1.jpg
RIN 6682 Susanna Lyon grave2.jpg
RIN 6682 Susanna Lyon grave3.jpg
Birth: Sep. 28, 1699 Death: Jul. 17, 1790 Providence Providence County Rhode Island, USA
Family links:
 Asahel Carpenter (1731 - 1809)*
 Susanna Carpenter Chaffee (1735 - 1813)*
 Daniel Carpenter (1738 - 1823)*
 Daniel Charles Carpenter (1695 - 1763)
Newman Cemetery
East Providence
Providence County
Rhode Island, USA

777. Elizabeth Carpenter

Number 500 in the Carpenter memorial on page 102.
!She was born in Seekonk, now East Providence per the CM.
Resided in Dighton, MA.

Joseph Atwood

A farmer.  He is probably a descendant of Nathaniel Atwood born 15 Feb
1650/1651 by which son is the question.

778. Daniel Carpenter

Number 501 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 102.
Died in Bristol county, MA not Providence, RI.

779. Bethia or Bethiah Carpenter

Number 502 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 102.
Bethiah in the CM.

782. Susanna Carpenter

Number 505 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 103.
She died in Rehoboth per the CM, not East Providence, RI.

785. Benjamin Carpenter

Number 508 in the CARPENTER MEMORIAL on page 105.
Born and died in Rehoboth per the CM, not in East Providence, RI.

786. Hannah Carpenter

Number 509 in the CARPENTER MEMORIAL on page 105.
Born and died in Rehoboth per the CM, not in East Providence, RI.

Hannah Carpenter

SPOUSE: Hannah Carpenter, spouse for Daniel Charles Carpenter does not match
AF records.  AFN JMX8-5P.  There is a Grandmother named Hannah Carpenter,
however on Nathaniel Chaffee, Jr. side.  He is the spouse of Daniel's daughter,

204. Elisha Carpenter

Number 146 in the CARPENTER MEMORIAL on page 70.

205. Jabez Carpenter

Number 147 in the CARPENTER MEMORIAL on page 70.
Family on page 105 (#75).
A Farmer.  Married 3 times.

Jabez Carpenter
Birth:  Apr. 13, 1700
Death:  Jun. 10, 1778
. Daniel Carpenter (1669 - 1721)
. Bethiah Bliss (1671 - 1703)
[1] Mary Hunt, 23 Feb 1726
[2] Keziah Carpenter, 9 May 1727
[3] Elizabeth Marsh
Children with Keziah Carpenter:
1. Martha Carpenter [1729-1730]
2. Jabez Carpenter b: 26 Apr 1731
+ sp.: Abigail Dyer [1735-1771 m. 1752]
+ sp.: Molly Lawrence: m. 25 Dec 1771
Children with Elizabeth Marsh:
1. Elizabeth Carpenter [b. 28 Apr 1735]
+ sp.: James Reed: m. 03 Sep 1761
2. Keziah Carpenter [b. 08 May 1737]
3. Lucy Carpenter [b. 01 Dec 1739]
+ sp.: Caleb Carpenter (1740-1810)
+ sp.: James Cooper: m. 01 Dec 1782
4. William Carpenter [b. 25 Jun 1743-04 Sep 1743]
5. Bethia Carpenter [b. 07 Apr 1745]
+ sp.: Aaron Lyon: m. 20 Oct 1763
6. Abigail Carpenter [1747-1828]
Family links:
 Daniel Carpenter (1669 - 1721)
 Bethiah Bliss Carpenter (1671 - 1703)
 Mary Hunt Carpenter (1703 - 1727)
 Keziah Carpenter Carpenter (1708 - 1732)
 Elizabeth Carpenter Bucklin (1733 - 1781)*
 Abigail Carpenter (1747 - 1828)*
 Daniel Charles Carpenter (1695 - 1763)*
 Elisha Carpenter (1697 - 1720)*
 Jabez Carpenter (1700 - 1778)
 Bethiah Carpenter Carpenter (1706 - 1788)**
*Calculated relationship
Newman Cemetery
East Providence
Providence County
Rhode Island, USA

Created by: Superkentman
Record added: Sep 10, 2007
Find A Grave Memorial# 21483405

788. 1 Carpenter

An unnamed infant, sex unknown.  Not in the Carpenter Memorial.

Kesiah Carpenter

Number 286 in the CARPENTER MEMORIAL on page 81.

789. Martha Carpenter

Number 510 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 105.

Elizabeth Marsh

Last name is not MONK, but MARSH.  See page 834 of the Carpenter Memorial
(147) for correction notes and page 70 (147).

791. Elizabeth or Lepha Carpenter

Number 512 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 105.
She is called Lepha by Davis Carpenter.

James Read

A farmer.  Son of Nathan and Dorothy Read.

794. William Carpenter

Number 515 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 106.

796. Abigail Carpenter

Number 517 in the Carpenter Memorial on page 106.